Monday 23 September 2024

Mister Blue Sky


Erfreulicher Anblick fúr Otto Normaldenker, Albtraum fúr jeden Conspiracy Theorist. O-ton:

 "Oh my God!!! They're already at it! The first bit of blue sky and they're out spraying it! Do you see those trails? They're not like normal ones that vanish - these stay for a long time and spread in ripples, that's them spraying stuff. They're always flying towards the sun, back and forth and spray to block it out. The plane will be back any minute, you'll see.

In der Sonne wird demnach gesprúht, im Regen wáscht es die ganze Chemie gen Erdboden und man kann nur mit Regenschirm raus um das zu vermeiden...("I hate the rain!")

The world inside your head must be a scary place.

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